This is to inform you that Kaizen Platform will make changes on browsers and OS support as below on Tuesday April 18th 2017. This is due to the end of support for Windows Vista and Internet Explore 9 by Microsoft scheduled to happen on Tuesday April 11th 2017.
(Kaizen Platform checks usage % of each browser within ongoing experiences on a periodical basis and stops supporting any browsers and OS when its usage % becomes below 3%. The below includes changes based on this operation guideline.)
A/B test environment (JavaScript codes)
As of April 11th, the following browsers and OS are not supported.
- Internet Explorer 8 or older
- Opera
- iOS 6.x or older
- Android 3.x or older
From April 18th, the following browsers and OS will not be supported in addition to list above.
- Internet Explorer 10.0
- Internet Explorer 9.0
- iOS 8.x
- iOS 7.x
- Android 4.1
- Android 4.0
Under these environments, you will neither be able to execute tests, apply variations nor log & measure data. If any of those are included as experience test execution condition, those will not be supported either.
Any experiences that include any of the above browsers and OS will be not supported and will be excluded from April 18th 2017.
Web applications (
You can use following browsers from April 18th 2017.
- Google Chrome Latest ver. (Recommended)
- Firefox Latest ver.
- Microsoft Edge Latest ver.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
- Safari 9.0 or later
The following browser will not be supported.
- Internet Explorer 10.0
UI Editor
You can use the following browsers from April 18th 2017.
- Google Chrome Latest ver. (Recommended)
- Firefox Latest ver
- Safari 9.0 or later
Should you have any questions and/or further information needed, please contact our Support Team.
Thank you very much for using Kaizen Platform.